Group of medical call center triage nurses

Top Reasons to Outsource Your Medical Call Center

As the value-based healthcare model continues to grow, providers are financially rewarded for helping patients improve their health, reduce the incidence of chronic disease and live healthier lives.  

Yet, many providers struggle to focus on patient experience and customer service due to lack of resources. Outsourcing call management is no longer the secret it once was. Running a call center requires specialized experience especially when the calls include health issues and protected health information. TriageLogic’s professional and experienced phone triage nurses can provide your patients with professional and caring customer service, no matter the size of your practice or institution.

Improved Patient Access

A seamless experience for patients is especially important in large healthcare systems. Don’t let your patients make multiple calls or be routed from one department to another with inconsistent service and procedures.

Increased Patient Satisfaction Scores

In healthcare, 96% of patient complaints are related to customer service. How does yours rate?

Improved Call Recording and Data Collection Procedures

TriageLogic’s phone triage nurses use Schmitt-Thompson protocols to reduce disposition variations and improve the patient experience. We can also add your custom orders to our protocols, specifically addressing your patient population needs.

Skilled Nursing Staff

Outsourced call centers attract and retain nurses and healthcare professionals who are experienced in call center work processes, have rigorous training and maintain a high level of quality assurance.  

Enhanced Flexibility and Scalability

In-house nursing staff are idle during times of low patient interaction. Outsourced call centers can plan for peaks and valleys, scheduling staff so they work more efficiently and helping reduce cost per call. Outsourced call centers have the size and staff to ramp up quickly for seasonal activity such as flu season or other outbreaks, allowing providers to focus on patient care.

Reduced Patient Loss

Patients want convenience and medical advice on demand. Loyalty is no longer the driving factor in healthcare decisions. To protect and grow revenue, healthcare providers must proactively call patients to encourage preventive health or return visits. By outsourcing these responsibilities, there’s more time for face-to-face patient interactions.

Increased Healthcare Benchmarks

If 5% or more of patients hang up before they’re helped, hold times are longer than 60 seconds or call routing accuracy is under 99%, your patient call capabilities may be understaffed or lacking training.

Improved Access to the Latest Technology

Healthcare organizations with in-house call centers don’t always monitor calls or track call metrics from a patient access or experience perspective. They also don’t always have access to the latest technology. Many don’t realize they have a problem until revenue shortfalls and patient satisfaction scores show otherwise. By outsourcing patient calls, the cost of the technology resources is spread among multiple clients, making technology resources affordable.

Whether you have a busy private practice in need of a phone triage system, or your hospital needs a complete after-hours call center solution, TriageLogic has a product to meet your needs.

Please contact our dedicated care team at (855) 734-4463 to learn how we can help you integrate a seamless telephone triage program into your practice.

Download E-Book “Revolutionizing Care – Technology and Telehealth Nurses in Remote Patient Care”

Download E-Book “A Provider’s Guide To Remote Patient Monitoring”

DOWNLOAD E-BOOK “Telephone Nurse Triage Handbook”