Dr. Charu Raheja writes about how new TriageLogic product lines are helping with patient care and revenue

New Product Lines to Help with Patient Care and Revenue

As so many of us in healthcare, TriageLogic had to quickly pivot itself to help address the changing needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We quickly trained new triage nurses, to address the sudden surge in patient phone calls. We helped some of our hospitals set up their nurses to work remotely, and we worked with some cities and counties to help them with COVID-specific phone calls. In a few short months, TriageLogic saw a 35% increase in call volume and in turn, increased our nursing staff more than 30%!

We’ve been successful in helping communities and hospitals confront the virus. In one of many examples, we helped those in Union County, New Jersey, set up a COVID hotline for citizens to call and be triaged for care. TriageLogic implemented emergency support solutions in the form of a 24/7 hotline that provides Governor Phil Murphy and his administration the tools they needed to help burdened hospitals and identify patients who need further care. Using CDC based guidelines, we helped them connect NDS physicians if further testing and treatment were needed.

TriageLogic also lent a hand to Baptist Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida. Using our nurse triage protocols software (MyTriageChecklistTM), we partnered with Baptist to set up their nurses to work from home and triage patients remotely. This allowed the city of Jacksonville to quickly offer a complete setting for patients to be screened by nurses and follow up with doctors.

Partnering with these local governments and healthcare organizations has allowed them to standardize their care with the use of gold-standard Schmitt-Thompson protocols and easy-to-use solutions. We also further enhanced the protocols by including custom orders and patient handouts specific to each organization to ensure patient education and a smooth transition when they had a telemedicine visit with their doctors. TriageLogic is proud to be helping on the frontlines of the COVID pandemic.

We are now growing to provide additional software and services to help your practice. This last year, TriageLogic has been working with device companies to provide monitoring of dashboards and evaluation of patients with abnormal readings. We can provide coverage 24/7 or just after hours to supplement your current remote patient monitoring program. Our staff observes your patient dashboard. When an alert comes in, the staff can alert the provider or send the message to our nurses for further evaluation. The nurses will follow your practice instructions to triage the patients and get them the appropriate follow up. Remote patient monitoring improves health outcomes and increases revenue for practices.

While we have grown and participated in plans to confront this major health event, we’ve taken a close look at our vision and where we see ourselves in the future. Our use of protocols ensures that everyone, no matter their situation, gets the best care advice to address their medical symptoms. Holding onto this thought, we hope to continue providing top-notch care through COVID and beyond.

Our vision is simply this: “To provide a uniform, high-standard of care to everyone everywhere.”

Download E-Book “Revolutionizing Care – Technology and Telehealth Nurses in Remote Patient Care”

Download E-Book “A Provider’s Guide To Remote Patient Monitoring”

DOWNLOAD E-BOOK “Telephone Nurse Triage Handbook”