Learn more about our nurse triage protocols and receive your quote today.

Nurse Triage Protocols

We have partnered with Drs. Barton Schmitt and David Thompson to make the industry standard triage protocols available in our software.

What features should you look for in telephone triage protocols?

Telephone Triage Nurses evaluate the seriousness of a caller’s condition based on the symptoms. Because of the variety of ages and reasons for the phone call, the triage protocols have to be extremely comprehensive, need to be re-evaluated regularly, and need to give targeted advice based on the symptoms and disposition of the caller. Schmitt-Thompson protocols have all the features necessary to make it the best in class protocols for patient care.

  • Adult Office-Hours & After-Hours Protocols
  • Pediatric Office-Hours & After-Hours Protocols

To learn more about Schmitt Thompson Triage Protocols click here.