Title for TriageLogic's Winter 2019-Spring 2020 Care News

Care News – Fall 2020 – Increase Revenue While Helping Patients, Remote Patient Monitoring Tips

In this issue of Care News, you’ll discover how using nurse triage protocols in conjunction with doctor e-visits improves coordination of care, and allows doctors to safely delegate responsibility to their nurses. You’ll also meet one of TriageLogic’s telephone triage nurses and find out some trends she’s seeing throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

CEO Summer 2020 Update - Dr. Charu Raheja

New Product Lines to Help with Patient Care and Revenue

Charu Raheja, Ph.D., TriageLogic CEO

As so many of us in healthcare, TriageLogic had to quickly pivot itself to help address the changing needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Letter from the Medical Director - Dr. Ravi Raheja

Why Remote Triage Is More Important Than Ever: Nurse Triage Software and Services Play a Critical Role in COVID Telehealth

Ravi Raheja, M.D., TriageLogic Medical Director and CTO

During the last few months, we’ve seen big changes in the healthcare industry. With the COVID-19 pandemic threatening to overwhelm practices and hospitals nationwide, healthcare workers have learned some lessons that we will carry forward. One of those lessons is the importance of effective triage.

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Article Highlights

Good Clinical Documentation and the Telephone Triage Nurse

When it comes to documenting triage calls, there’s always a fine balance between effective communications and liability risk.

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Emergency Covid-19 Hotline and Remote Care Solutions to Address the Outbreak

Learn about emergency solutions that can be implemented quickly in a time of crisis, such as utilizing a coronavirus-trained non-clinical hotline, virtual medical visits, and tools for training office nurses.

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Asking the Right Triage Questions to Provide Correct Patient Dispositions

Telephone nurse triage is all about questions. To properly separate patients’ conditions into levels of severity, here is a quick guide on how to ask the right questions in the right order.

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TriageLogic Assists Baptist Health Jacksonville in Setting Up Remote COVID-19 Triage Nurses

TriageLogic and Baptist Health Jacksonville partnered for the COVID-19 pandemic to keep their community and employees safe. Using TriageLogic’s nurse triage protocols software, Baptist was able to quickly set up their nurses work from home and be on the frontlines of the outbreak.

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TriageLogic Implementing Emergency COVID-19 Hotlines and Remote Care Solutions for Health Centers

TriageLogic, a leader in telephone nurse triage and remote patient communication, announces easy-to-implement solutions that hospitals, medical organizations, and health centers can use for patient care during the COVID-19 crisis.

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TriageLogic Assists Union County COVID-19 Hotline by Screening Patients and Connecting them to Physicians

TriageLogic, LLC is working with National Diagnostic Services, Inc to provide a fully automated COVID-19 hotline in New Jersey. Implementing emergency support solutions like TriageLogic’s 24/7 hotline provides Governor Phil Murphy and his administration the tools they need to help burdened hospitals and identify patients who need further care.

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Dr. Ravi Raheja on News4Jax Sharing the Do’s and Don’ts of Protective Masks and Gloves During the COVID-19 Pandemic

There is some confusion on how to best protect yourself and slow the spread of the coronavirus. When should you wear a mask and gloves? Dr. Ravi Raheja appeared on News4Jax to educate the community on best practices.

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TriageLogic Offers Remote Patient Monitoring, Allowing Physicians to Spend More Time on Direct Patient Care

TriageLogic, a leader in the telephone nurse triage industry, announced it will use its more than 13 years of industry-leading phone triage experience in the emerging remote patient monitoring (RPM) market.

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The Jacksonville Business Journal Features TriageLogic CEO Dr. Charu Raheja

TriageLogic is featured in the Jacksonville Business Journal for setting up a telephone triage system for nurses at Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville.

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TriageLogic and Spry Health Conduct a Webinar on Remote Patient Care During COVID-19

Dr. Ravi Raheja, medical director and CTO of TriageLogic, teamed up with Spry Health to talk about monitoring at-risk patients during the COVID-19 pandemic on April 10th, 2020. The group discussed options for remote patient care and telehealth solutions to help patients virtually.

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Triage Nurse Point of View – Christy Neiffer, Remote Triage Nurse

TriageLogic’s telephone triage nurses have been at the front lines during COVID-19. Here are some trends one of our nurses saw throughout the pandemic.

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The TriageLogic Learning Center provides free educational materials for telephone nurses and medical professionals. It features a variety of learning material including videos, articles, research, and links to external sources. The courses provide a thorough understanding of nurse triage, triage protocols, and patient care.

Download E-Book “Revolutionizing Care – Technology and Telehealth Nurses in Remote Patient Care”

Download E-Book “A Provider’s Guide To Remote Patient Monitoring”

DOWNLOAD E-BOOK “Telephone Nurse Triage Handbook”