Getting to Know TriageLogic’s Medical Director – Dr. Ravi Raheja

About Ravi

Dr. Ravi Raheja graduated from the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey and became a pediatrician in 1997. After years of practicing medicine, he and his partners found that many of their patients needed a more sophisticated system for their after-hours calls. That is when he developed the concept of Triagelogic, with the mission to provide outstanding patient triage software and services, at an affordable price.

Ravi saw that technology could be used to improve medical care and created several systems and platforms to help integrate and coordinate patient care. He has used his medical training and expertise in complex technology to create efficient systems that make quality care consistent and available to more people.

What role do you play in directing TriageLogic and what are your goals?

“I am the CTO, COO, and Medical Director of TriageLogic.  My main goal in the use of technology is to use my medical and patient care knowledge to develop new software that improves patient care. As a physician, my goal is to make access to care as easy as possible by constantly evaluating new technologies that can help deliver better and more efficient care. All of the work that I do is centered around delivering patient care remotely.”

What challenges have you helped lead TriageLogic to overcome?

“Both healthcare and technology are fast changing. With this, comes the challenge of helping people move to new technologies, automating tasks that were previously done manually, and improving the efficiency of those tasks. I co-founded the company with the ideas that nurses can work remotely to manage patient calls for multiple doctor offices and medical organizations. 

One of my first challenges was how to set up a virtual medical call center. I worked on creating a proprietary technology that allowed us to manage calls coming in and coordinate nurses working remotely as a unified team.

Within our virtual call center, there were several other challenges that came up:

Supervision: How do you supervise remote nurses for accuracy and efficiency? We built into the software the ability to listen to live calls, visually see the calls a nurse is currently working on, and integrated data points that track relevant metrics related to quality and efficiency.

Customization: Another challenge was keeping track of the preferences of different doctors. Nurses were typically used to keeping that information in reference binders, which increased the call time and made it extremely inefficient when there were multiple practices and doctors to manage.

Training: It was a challenge to figure out how to get nurses to train in such a specialized field remotely. Nurses needed to observe other nurses, ask questions, and feel confident that they had mentorship as they were learning or if a difficult call came in. I helped evaluate and create an entire virtual training program, both the content and technology components, for complete remote training.

As I continue to look into the future and given the current events in the world, health care organizations face the challenge of figuring out where to channel their outreach efforts. I am now working with device companies, remote patient monitoring companies and health care organizations to create turnkey remote patient monitoring systems that will decrease health care cost and generate revenue for physicians.

What is your greatest professional achievement in the past three years?

“One of my greatest professional achievements was creating a remote nurse platform that has universal applications across clinical call centers, doctors’ offices, hospitals, and now remote patient monitoring and telehealth. The platform allows nurses to provide telehealth assessments and direct patients to the proper level of care. The platform works seamlessly with any electronic medical record system, sales force, and electronic monitoring dashboards. This platform has now been implemented in various large healthcare organizations across the USA. 

Over the last 3 years, I have made this platform extremely easy to implement and use. It now plays a vital role in coordinating telehealth visits and remote patient monitoring. We helped multiple hospitals implement this platform quickly during the COVID-19 crisis, including Baptist Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida.”

About TriageLogic®

TriageLogic is a URAC-accredited, physician-led provider of top-quality nurse telehealth technology, mobile applications, and medical call center solutions, all with the purpose of encouraging positive patient behavior and improving access to healthcare. Founded in 2006, the TriageLogic Group now serves more than 9,000 physicians and covers over 20 million lives nationwide. They continue to partner with private practices, hospitals, and corporations throughout the U.S. If you are interested in finding out how TriageLogic can help your office contact us today. 

“TriageLogic’s help in setting up the software and infrastructure needed for our nurses to work from home was invaluable for us to prioritize COVID-19 patients and keep our nurses safe. They trained our nurses on an easy-to-use system that allowed us to focus on our patients’ questions and concerns and provide needed support for our community during these trying times.”

Download E-Book “Revolutionizing Care – Technology and Telehealth Nurses in Remote Patient Care”

Download E-Book “A Provider’s Guide To Remote Patient Monitoring”

DOWNLOAD E-BOOK “Telephone Nurse Triage Handbook”