Heat map of COVID case counts reported by nurse triage for a Jacksonville hospital system.

The Best Analytics to Benefit Your Nurse Telehealth Triage

The primary purpose for all of your telehealth triage nurses is to get their patient callers to the appropriate levels of care. To do so effectively, your team needs to understand as much as possible about your patients: what their typical needs are, what times they’re more likely to call, and how to schedule your nurses to meet that volume. That’s why TriageLogic offers integrated analytics with our MyTriageChecklist software. Here’s how this system can benefit your practice.

Most Used Protocols and Dispositions

Telehealth nurses provide better support to patients when they have access to the most up-to-date triage protocols. These offer a decision tree of questions nurses should ask regarding the severity of each patient’s symptoms. In turn, those answers generate the most appropriate dispositions for care, which are documented and shared with referred physicians through our triage software. Through analytics, this data can also be organized to understand which protocols and dispositions are used more often, why, and what that means about the general health of your patients. You can even use heat maps based on caller zip codes to see if and where specific protocols tend to cluster — a particularly helpful tool when it comes to the recent rise in patient calls regarding COVID.

Call Volume

Knowing how often patients tend to call — both in terms of the days of the week and the times of the day — allows you to schedule the appropriate level of nurse triage support. Analytics can be used to anticipate call volume and give your team a better understanding of whether you’re scheduling the right amount of nurses, too many, or not enough. If it’s the last of these, and you don’t have the means of adding more to your internal team, you can also choose to outsource these calls to our 24/7 nurse triage call center.

Encounters Per Nurse and Protocol Percentages

Measuring the success of your telehealth triage also means having a way to review the performance of your nurses. Analytics can provide you with two ways of doing this: first, by determining the individual work levels of your nurses by measuring the number of patient encounters they have over a set duration of time; second, by comparing the percentages of related protocols that are used, like COVID exposure versus COVID diagnosis, to see if those amounts make sense from a clinical perspective. The latter allows you to check if these protocols are being implemented correctly, and to intervene as needed to provide guidance and support to your team.

How Your Practice Can Implement These Tools

Would you like to learn more about how your nurse triage can utilize Schmitt-Thompson protocols, which ones are the most important to your patients, and how well your nurses are performing? Or perhaps you’d like to learn about other customizable features this kind of software can offer? If so, we’re happy to demonstrate and explain how these tools can revolutionize your telehealth systems. When you’re ready, let’s schedule some time for a call.

About TriageLogic

TriageLogic is a URAC-accredited, physician-led provider of top-quality nurse telehealth technology, remote patient monitoring, and medical call center solutions. Founded in 2007, the TriageLogic Group now serves more than 9,000 physicians and covers over 25 million lives nationwide.

Learning Center: courses and videos, learn more about telephone triage

Download E-Book “Revolutionizing Care – Technology and Telehealth Nurses in Remote Patient Care”

Download E-Book “A Provider’s Guide To Remote Patient Monitoring”

DOWNLOAD E-BOOK “Telephone Nurse Triage Handbook”