Winter Desk Exercises: Staying Active and Healthy at Work This Winter

Winter Desk Exercises
Staying Active and Healthy at Work This Winter

Winter is the busy season for telephone triage nurses. Call volume increases mean more time at their desk on the phone with patients. With the weather outside being less than ideal, it can be hard to be motivated to exercise. However, doing these quick winter desk exercises while working can improve health and keep energy levels up on a night of never-ending calls.

Wrist & Ankle Rolls

Wrist & ankle rolls can help those joints from being stiff while also strengthening them. This exercise is especially good for those employees who spend long periods of time typing on the computer.

To see how to do ankle rolls, check out this video. Wrist rolls can be done the same as ankle rolls.

Stress Balls

Stress balls could be a great item to consider adding to your office for many reasons. While it reduces stress, it also helps stretch the muscles in your fingers and forearms. Don’t forget, they’re great for getting your blood circulating as well. If some of your employees suffer from Carpal Tunnel, there are some special exercises just for them with the stress ball. Carpal Tunnel Gadgets did a video of the special exercises for carpal tunnel that you can check out by clicking the link above.   

Calf Raises

Calf raises are great for strengthening the ankles – something that may not happen often when you’re sitting in an office chair all day. This is also a small workout that’ll train your ankles to have more control when your body moves weight to one side or the other.

Start by standing with both feet on the ground, fairly close to one another. Begin lifting your body up until you are standing on your tip-toes. Slowly lower your body back down to your heels.

Chair Push-Ups

This exercise is simple as your employees can simply use their office chairs. You’ll need to find a wall to position the chair against. Then, placing your hands on the armrests, stretch your body out to a straight angle. Raise your body up and down using your arms positioned on the armrest to create a push-up.

Taking just a few minutes a day for these activities can help improve your health and help you to feel more motivated to power through these winter-time calls. So next time you feel like you have not moved from your desk in hours, try one of these exercises to get you moving.

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What to read next: Cold vs. Flu: How Triage Nurses Differentiate?


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