TriageLogic Dr. Ravi Raheja receives the JaxUSA Innovation Award. on stage

TriageLogic in the News: JaxUSA Award and Jacksonville Daily Record Spotlight

TriageLogic is proud to announce that our contributions to the healthcare industry have been recognized in the local news as a recipient of the JaxUSA Innovation Award, in addition to a recent spotlight in the Jacksonville Daily Record. Here’s the scoop on both, as well as the latest news and updates from within our own organization.

TriageLogic in the News: JaxUSA Award

Nelson Bradshaw, managing director of banking strategies at Farther, highlighted our company’s ability to serve over 12,000 doctors nationwide through our network of registered nurses. In particular, he spoke of our medical software solutions — which include nurse triage and remote patient monitoring — that allow patients expanded access to healthcare resources, as well as recommendations on the types of care they need based on the severity of their symptoms. As a result, patients see the appropriate physicians sooner, ultimately improving their health outcomes.

If you’d like to check out additional highlights from the presentation, please click here!

TriageLogic in the News: Jacksonville Daily Record Spotlight

TriageLogic was also recognized by the Jacksonville Daily Record in a piece written by Dan Macdonald, which focused on the history of our company — from our early beginnings in Nashville, to the nationwide team of nurses we’re proud to lead today.

TriageLogic was conceived following the realization that the “conventical call center model [was] inefficient,” especially when nurses where working in brick-and-mortar locations, and it was not possible to adjust staff as patient call volumes varied unexpectedly. Rather than bouncing between the extremes of a doctor fielding patient questions or having too many nurses on a single shift, the idea of an outsourced nurse triage support line, where nurses could log in remotely, was a  logical solution.

Our nurses act as a remote extension of a wide range of practices across the US, to the point that callers often have no idea that they’re speaking with someone potentially hundreds of miles away. Our system also allows doctors to enter custom instructions that nurses will then use on their behalf.

Along with our vetting process to hire exceptional nurses, Macdonald notes how important our technology has been to the success of our mission — including our most recent artificial intelligence-based tool for Answering Service Operators (ASOs) known as MedMessage Assist.

It prompts ASOs to ask patient callers more detailed questions, based on the information they record about the caller’s symptoms. This ensures each message includes accurate information that identifies the seriousness of the call for the provider or the nurse receiving it. This also leads to timely patient care for potentially life-threatening conditions that may otherwise be missed, and helps “new operators [who] may not remember [their] new training.”

If you’d like to read the full article, please click here.

TriageLogic Company News

Beyond the local recognition, TriageLogic is also excited about expanding its capabilities in the area of remote patient monitoring (RPM). RPM often involves recording the vitals of chronically ill patients using devices they either wear or use at home to identify any dramatic changes in their health. But the sheer volume of data these devices produce can be staggering to review if providers don’t have enough staff. TriageLogic’s registered nurses have the knowledge and skills to fill this need, as well as the abilities to discern when symptoms warrant notifying patients and their providers to intervene.

Data review isn’t the only potential challenge with RPM implementation, though. We’ve seen how some practices have hesitated to start a program in spite of the established benefits, which is why we’ve recently published a comprehensive ebook with solutions to help them. You can download a free copy here.

Do You Need Nurse Triage Solutions?

If you’re looking for ways to improve the health of your patients and get them faster access to care, TriageLogic is happy to assist! We offer solutions that run the gamut, from Schmitt-Thompson triage protocols and nurse triage software, to our outsourced nurse triage call center, RPM data review, ASO medical answering tool, and the latest training and certification courses that are vital to a robust nurse triage support system.

Contact us today to get started!

About TriageLogic

TriageLogic is a URAC-accredited, physician-led provider of top-quality nurse telehealth technology, remote patient monitoring, and medical call center solutions. Founded in 2007, the TriageLogic Group now serves more than 12,000 physicians and covers over 25 million lives nationwide.

Download Our eBook: A Provider's Guide To Remote Patient Monitoring

Learning Center: courses and videos, learn more about telephone triage

Download E-Book “Revolutionizing Care – Technology and Telehealth Nurses in Remote Patient Care”

Download E-Book “A Provider’s Guide To Remote Patient Monitoring”

DOWNLOAD E-BOOK “Telephone Nurse Triage Handbook”