Risks in Telephone Triage Care: A New Learning Center Course

Risks in Telephone Triage Care: A New Learning Center Course

Introducing the next course in TriageLogic’s Learning Center, Risks in Telephone Triage. This course will examine the various risks that providers need to consider when triage nurses evaluate patients over the phone. These risks include delay of care, not following protocols, practicing outside the scope of nursing, and improper documentation.

All medical professionals practice their jobs with some risk, nurses are no exception.  The telephone triage nurse must be sure and practice nursing just as any other “prudent nurse” would in a similar situation.

In each lesson, a different patient scenario is presented that involves a different risk that providers and triage nurses may face. This course will teach you how to be alert for those red flags in order to reduce the risk of a negative outcome for the patient. Lessons will touch on the importance of asking open-ended questions and following standardized protocols in order to elicit the most accurate information from the caller.



Check back soon for the first Learning Center lesson on Risk Management, a scenario with an anxious mother calling her nurse triage line about her 6-month old baby.

You can start or continue your training with the courses below:

Introduction to Telephone Nurse Triage: This course offers a quick introduction and overview of telephone nurse triage, how it functions in the healthcare system, and the roles telephone triage nurses play in patient care.

Course 1 – Creating A Positive Call Experience For You and Your Patients: This course teaches you the essential skills to be an effective telephone triage nurse. Topics include working with patients, managing difficult calls, and handling uncomfortable situations.

Course 2 – Clinical Protocol Training: This course familiarizes nurses with the critical steps of a triage call and develops an understanding of protocols. The lessons cover the critical steps to a triage call, what protocols to use and how to use them, and navigating protocols.

Course 3  – Case Studies and Scenarios in Nurse Triage: This course applies the 10 Critical Steps of a Triage Call from Course 2 to various case studies. Each Critical Step in the process has a purpose, and it is important not to skip over any of them. The case studies in this course will present you with the opportunity to see detailed examples of how to apply each of the Critical Steps of a Triage Call to a patient’s unique situation.


About the TriageLogic Online Learning Center

TriageLogic’s Online Learning Center is available free of charge to telephone triage nurses and teams as an educational resource and practical training guide. Along with course videos, coursework includes class notes, related articles, and learning materials. You will receive a TriageLogic Telephone Nurse Triage Certification for each completed course. Managers can also set-up teams and check on their individual nurse progress in the course.


What to Read Next: How Daytime Protocols Help Improve Patient Call Outcomes



Download E-Book “Revolutionizing Care – Technology and Telehealth Nurses in Remote Patient Care”

Download E-Book “A Provider’s Guide To Remote Patient Monitoring”

DOWNLOAD E-BOOK “Telephone Nurse Triage Handbook”