TriageLogic Three nurses smile while reviewing data on a tablet that shows nurse productivity and patient care.

Medical Call Center Software That Tracks Nurse Productivity and Patient Care Dispositions

Data is king in today’s health care. Physicians who aim to provide quality care to their patients — and make the best budget-based decisions for their resources — must be able to track and measure a variety of metrics. When looking at the productivity of remote patient care and telephone nurse triage, two of the most critical are nurse triage productivity and patient care dispositions. TriageLogic’s nurse triage software has features that allow providers to easily evaluate these data points in their reporting portal. 

Nurse Triage Reporting Portal

A reporting portal is a dashboard that tracks metrics like nurse productivity, patient dispositions, and nurse triage protocol use — even patient geography if zip codes are recorded. With this information at their fingertips, healthcare providers can understand the typical needs of their patients, when their patients tend to call, and what dispositions their telephone and telehealth triage nurses are more prone to use when evaluating patient symptoms — among other benefits.

This type of portal is available in TriageLogic’s nurse triage software, myTriageChecklist (MTC). Long the flagship solution of our company, MTC was designed to be the most intuitive nurse triage software on the market. It allows nurses to use Schmitt-Thompson protocols to evaluate patient symptoms, document all patient interactions, and share that data directly with the appropriate providers for continuity of care. 

Today’s current iteration of MTC leverages stronger data analytics. Here’s how it can address the four areas mentioned above, starting with nurse productivity and care dispositions.

Nurse Triage Productivity and Patient Care Dispositions

Tracking nurse triage productivity is important because it allows healthcare providers to understand how much work their nurses are doing, and whether those nurses are using their time effectively. By monitoring the number of patient calls that they answer, the amount of time spent with each caller, as well as other key metrics, healthcare providers have a more rounded view of nurse performance. This information can be used to identify areas for training and improvement, as well as make changes that will lead to better patient outcomes.

Tracking patient dispositions is important for accountability. Physicians can see whether their triage nurses are directing patients to the appropriate providers, which ultimately improves care and leads to a stronger return on investment. Disposition trends can also be very helpful as doctors try to educate their patient population and predict future staffing needs. 

TriageLogic A pie chart shows dispositions provided by triage nurses.

Nurse Triage Protocols

Schmitt-Thompson triage protocols are the gold standard when it comes to evaluating symptoms for patients of any age. A reporting portal can give providers an overview of which protocols are being selected by their triage nurses, which lets them: 1) verify whether their nurses are following the best practices for patient care; 2) improve patient health outcomes; and 3) reduce the number of adverse events.

TriageLogic A bubble chart shows percentages of Schmitt-Thompson protocols used by triage nurses.


Recording zip codes in MTC’s reporting portal can provide valuable geographic information to providers. By combining this data with patient dispositions, providers get a better understanding of the patient populations that they serve, and can make more informed decisions about how to allocate resources to address them. 

Additional Data

MyTriageChecklist offers additional reporting features, including:

  • Calls per client group.
  • Calls per client practice.
  • Area healthcare trends.

If telephone or telehealth nurses begin to notice an uptick in calls concerning similar symptoms or disease, providers can map where they’re likely to see additional needs, and schedule the appropriate staffing levels.

MyTriageChecklist is also highly customizable, both as a solution and for the care paths that providers can create for their patients. Triage nurses can deliver specialized instructions based on the needs of one or more physician practices, like: how to refer patients to a specific urgent care or ER; how to handle after-hours scheduling for patients who need weekend appointments; and what over-the-counter medications providers prefer that their nurses recommend to their patients.

In Summary

A nurse triage reporting portal can provide valuable insights that improve nurse productivity, patient dispositions, and protocol use. By tracking these and other metrics, healthcare providers can make informed decisions about how to deliver the best care for patient satisfaction. With the ability to filter and combine data, physicians have a complete picture of their operations to make changes that will lead to better health outcomes and increased ROI.

Would you like to discuss how to implement your own patient portal using myTriageChecklist? Contact us today to get started.

About TriageLogic

TriageLogic is a URAC-accredited, physician-led provider of top-quality nurse telehealth technology, remote patient monitoring, and medical call center solutions. Founded in 2007, the TriageLogic Group now serves more than 9,000 physicians and covers over 42 million lives nationwide.

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Download E-Book “A Provider’s Guide To Remote Patient Monitoring”

DOWNLOAD E-BOOK “Telephone Nurse Triage Handbook”