Fulfilling Our Promise of Nurse Triage Innovation – The 2018 CEO Perspective

  Fulfilling Our Promise of Nurse Triage Innovation

– The 2018 CEO Perspective

Happy 2018! The new year is usually a time of reflection as well as looking to the future. As I reflect on our company’s existing product lines and the new offerings for 2018, I am excited about serving our doctors and their patients with the best quality nurse triage service and tools to manage patient calls and keep patients healthy.

First, we will be offering the option for practices to access a portal with detailed reports and graphs about their patient calls. We have already released the reporting portal for the new MyTriageChecklist and we will follow with similar reporting tools for Call Center Software as well as for practices that use Nurse Triage on Call.

In addition, as we talked to hospitals and organizations about improving internal communication and keeping their employee healthcare costs down we released a solution called Continuwell.  Continuwell allows organizations to engage employees with push notifications (which have a 4 time higher view rate than emails),  give them access to productivity and health tools, as well as 24/7 access to our triage nurses who educate your staff about the health resources available to them.  Continuwell provides your organization with detailed analytics about resource utilization and efficacy of communication. Continuwell empowers your employees to remain healthy and keep your own healthcare costs down. 

For hospitals seeking to engage patients, we will be releasing a mobile application for them. The my247healthcare application allows your practice to place your hospital information, link to your EHR portal, and a button to request a call from a triage nurse all in one mobile application.  With my247healthcare, patients are able to directly request a call from our triage nurses, thus bypassing the answering service. Your organization is also able to send reminders and push notifications to all of your patients that have the mobile app.

In closing, I want to end my note by discussing our goal of serving patient care. One of our key core values at TriageLogic is integrity and we define integrity by “honoring our promises”. For hospitals and physicians’ offices, integrity is the foundation of developing trust with the staff, as well as patients.

At TriageLogic, we express our integrity by delivering the best products as promised and constantly developing new tools for improved patient access to care as technology changes. Our company is committed to offering innovative solutions that offer round-the-clock support to physician offices, hospitals, organizations, and other providers that need help supporting their patients.

Thank you for your continued support of the TriageLogic Group.


What to Read Next: Software to Triage and Document Patient Calls Updated with Detailed Reporting Capabilities and Custom Orders


Download E-Book “Revolutionizing Care – Technology and Telehealth Nurses in Remote Patient Care”

Download E-Book “A Provider’s Guide To Remote Patient Monitoring”

DOWNLOAD E-BOOK “Telephone Nurse Triage Handbook”