Headshot of TriageLogic's CEO, Charu Raheja.

Letter From Our CEO: The Best New Technology for Improving Your Nurse Triage Performance

In spite of overcoming what has arguably been the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare industry is still overstressed. Nurse availability is of particular concern, as many nurses are seeing delays in becoming licensed. Burnout and turnover also remain high in the healthcare industry. TriageLogic has developed technological tools that can ease these burdens and help improve nurse triage performance. In this edition, we outline some of our latest technology solutions that improve accuracy, allow for better communication, and streamline training. 

Answering Service AI Verifies Urgent Calls

Answering Service Operators (ASOs) are the first points of contact for callers on a triage line. But they may have difficulty discerning calls that are urgent from those that aren’t. To make their jobs easier and ensure the proper triage response, TriageLogic has developed a non-clinical AI tool. The tool analyzes text that an ASO inputs, then provides the operator with more detailed questions to ask a caller when necessary.

The tool itself is self-standing, which means it doesn’t require any additional software in order to function. It can be integrated with a provider’s existing answering service, or coupled with nurse triage software and other outsourced support.

 Secure Chat Ensures Timely Response From Doctors and Nurses

Getting timely feedback is one of the easiest ways to improve nurse triage performance. This is true whether it’s between doctors and nurses, or nurses and patients. But when either party isn’t physically present, technology can be the hardest barrier to overcome.

Doctors have traditionally been paged when there’s an emergency. But pages don’t always go through, or the responding doctor may not be aware of the severity. When a doctor finally gets in touch with a nurse, they will still require a full explanation of the patient’s needs, which can further delay care — especially if the doctor is in an area with poor audio reception. 

TriageLogic’s secure texting is a HIPAA-compliant module that allows doctors and nurses to communicate effortlessly. Best of all, it doesn’t require an app or software to download. This consolidates the information for a doctor to review, gives them the ability to respond quickly, and maintains a record of these interactions for both liability and continuity of care. 

The same secure texting service is also available for triage nurses to communicate with patients. It allows patients to be updated on anticipated callback times, and what telephone area codes to expect those calls to come from so that they aren’t ignored.

Nurse Triage Training and Certification Is Available to Improve Phone Techniques

TriageLogic has long benefited nurse triage performance by offering training through its Nurse Learning Center. Now, we’re proud to offer in-depth certification that nurses can use to hone their phone skills even further, and establish their credentials in a high-demand career.

For questions about this new training initiative, its duration and requirements for certification, as well as feedback regarding open positions for triage nurses, you can contact Amy Smith at amy.smith@triagelogic.com.

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) for Nurse Triage Is Expanding

RPM has become an essential tool for nurse triage performance with chronic care. These devices record patient vitals and share them directly with nurses for monitoring and review. In doing so, early warning signs of potential complications can be detected and acted upon before a patient’s health deteriorates.

Nurse triage can be a much-needed support system for reviewing the amount of data that these devices record. In fact, coupling RPM with nurse triage — whether in-house or through an outsourced call center like ours — makes sense for all parties involved:

  • It improves patient outcomes by giving doctors advanced notice.
  • It saves your clinical staff from being overwhelmed by data analysis and patient evaluation.
  • It’s a great way for your patients to stay accountable in their own health, offering daily reminders for them to follow their doctors’ care instructions and take any prescribed medications.

You can learn more about how RPM and nurse triage can excel together in our upcoming ebook.

Let’s Talk About Your Nurses

Would you like to implement the solutions above to improve your nurse triage performance? Let’s schedule time to talk about them. Contact us today to get started.

About TriageLogic

TriageLogic is a URAC-accredited, physician-led provider of top-quality nurse telehealth technology, remote patient monitoring, and medical call center solutions. Founded in 2007, the TriageLogic Group now serves more than 9,000 physicians and covers over 25 million lives nationwide.

Learning Center: courses and videos, learn more about telephone triage

Download E-Book “Revolutionizing Care – Technology and Telehealth Nurses in Remote Patient Care”

Download E-Book “A Provider’s Guide To Remote Patient Monitoring”

DOWNLOAD E-BOOK “Telephone Nurse Triage Handbook”