Quantifying How Nurse Triage Decreases Morbidity and Mortality
We look at the treatment advice data from our patient interaction to understand the problem of people mis-evaluating the seriousness of their symptoms.
We look at the treatment advice data from our patient interaction to understand the problem of people mis-evaluating the seriousness of their symptoms.
Five major reasons adults are sent to the ER include: difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, chest pain, back pain, and post-operative concerns.
Schmitt-Thompson released a clinical update addressing the rising use of electronic cigarettes. The CDC is reporting an outbreak of lung injury from smoking e-cigs.
To ensure patient safety during 911 calls, nurses need to remain objective, think about the worse and best case scenario, and consider what’s the most critical symptom.
Custom orders help improve patient health and continuity of care by providing telephone triage nurses with doctor-specific orders.
Hospitals wanting to add nurse triage capabilities to their existing contact centers must have a robust triage software platform in place, one that will integrate with their existing EMR.
With proper training, protocols, and disposition, telephone triage nurses can help prevent suicide when they’re on a call with a patient.
Proper listening skills for telephone triage nurses are important in order to correctly triage each caller, and to prevent overlooking a serious symptom and triaging to the wrong disposition.
Outsourced telephone triage nurses can help your patients stay healthy while your office is closed. Day time triage protocols are also important for your own nurses to document and evaluate patients.
Telephone triage requires nurses to make care advice decisions based on patient symptoms. Standardized daytime protocols for patient phone calls is vital to your patient’s health and it will vastly improve your value-based care.