The Latest from TriageLogic
Dr. Charu Raheja presented at the 2019 National Wellness Institute's annual conference in Orlando and the Women's Future Conference in New York City.
Dr. Charu Raheja presented at the 2019 National Wellness Institute's annual conference in Orlando and the Women's Future Conference in New York City.
While wearable health technology devices can collect and send data, a medical professional must still interpret the results and guide the wearer on next steps. Most physicians don’t have the time or resources to monitor multiple dashboards. TriageLogic can help.
With the use of wearable healthcare devices continuing to grow, TriageLogic offers a professional platform for physicians and patients that use remote care and monitoring.
Many individuals and families have multiple choices when it comes to healthcare and treatment. Our Medical Director was recently featured on News4Jax.
Tips for triage nurses to ensure patient safety during phone calls. A new Learning Center lesson on what to keep in mind during the triage process.
Stay healthy and focused during the holiday season with these easy tips for busy nurses and office staff.
Try these simple desk exercises to help you stay motivated and healthy during the busy winter season. These are great for triage nurses and office staff.
We look at outcomes from advice given by triage nurses to patient callers, which can save health care dollars and decrease morbidity and mortality.
We look at the treatment advice data from our patient interaction to understand the problem of people mis-evaluating the seriousness of their symptoms.
Five major reasons adults are sent to the ER include: difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, chest pain, back pain, and post-operative concerns.