A patient uses a smartphone to check her glucose levels measured by an RPM device attached to her shoulder as part of type 1 diabetes management.

Type 1 Diabetes Management: Improve Patient Care and Increase Revenue with Remote Patient Monitoring

For endocrinologists, type 1 diabetes management comes with its own set of challenges. Foremost among them is the constant need to monitor each patient’s blood sugar levels, which involves significant time commitments from healthcare providers and staff. For most treatment plans, patients must contact their endocrinologists’ offices when they identify abnormal blood sugar levels so that office staff can evaluate their requests and notify doctors as needed. Yet this work is often performed without compensation, which can be a drain on practice resources and reduce

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Morbidity and mortality concept: a patient in a medical bed clutches their chest, which is illuminated red.

Nurse Triage for Morbidity and Mortality: Save Lives and Lower Healthcare Costs

We recently discussed why a nurse triage service is important for helping patients avoid unnecessary ER visits. The same holds true for those patients who have serious conditions, but hesitate to seek emergency care. Read on to learn why implementing nurse triage can reduce patient morbidity and mortality, and lower the associated healthcare costs at the same time. Why Patients Delay Care Many patients can feel self-conscious about their health, and don’t like to go to the ER unless they think it’s absolutely necessary. They

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A nurse hands a pill bottle to a patient at the ER.

Nurse Triage Saves Unnecessary ER Visits

Every year, plenty of people mistakenly think their symptoms are serious enough to warrant a trip to the emergency department. However, data shows that in two-thirds of these cases, ED visits are “avoidable” and “not an actual emergency.” While the mindset of “better safe than sorry” may make sense to patients, their unnecessary ER visits can actually be problematic — to them, other patients, and their providers. How do patients know when they really should seek urgent care? Telephone nurse triage is a great solution

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A nonclinical operator demonstrates how to improve medical message intake by using MedMessage Assist on a computer while talking with a patient over the phone.

Case Study: Improving Medical Message Intake With Augmented Intelligence for Your Operators

How accurate are the medical messages that your nonclinical operators send to your providers? According to Gilman and Bedigian, LLS, a law firm that specializes in medical malpractice, one of the biggest factors that leads to a lawsuit is when operators don’t send critical messages to doctors immediately. In fact, we have found that out of all emergency messages, about 30 percent do not accurately relay the situation for the provider to react. (Also see this white paper on the accuracy of medical messages.) So

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A doctor wearing a white coat and stethoscope uses a tablet to access a patient's EHR.

Integrate Nurse Triage Software with EHRs: Advances in a Modular Triage System

Today’s push for all-things-digital extends well into healthcare, particularly when it involves nurse triage and electronic health records. Whereas triage nurses were once strictly phone-based roles, they now utilize telehealth with patients to discuss symptoms over video conferencing, or review patient vitals through remote patient monitoring (RPM). These new services are often viewed positively, but they do raise concerns from some providers who are looking for ways to better integrate nurse triage software with EHRs while still maintaining data security, resource consolidation, and minimal program

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Nurse triage quality assurance concept: a small metal stethoscope is set in front of wooden blocks with green stars that represent a ratings system.

Enhancing Quality and Safety in Nurse Triage: Introducing Automated QA For Nurse Calls

Thanks to the expansion of telehealth, patient interactions are being conducted increasingly via phone, video chat, and texting solutions. At the forefront of this technology shift are triage nurses, whose roles are indispensable for evaluating patient symptoms and asking questions to determine the right levels of care. But with increasing staff shortages, how do doctors and medical call centers adequately measure nurse triage quality assurance? In this article, we discuss a new tool to automate nurse triage quality, increase nurse performance, and ensure all triage

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Dehydrated patients concept: a man sits upright in bed, holds a glass of water, and rests his head against his other hand.

Nurse Triage Advice for Dehydrated Patients

As we celebrate July 4th and spend more time outdoors, one thing to be particularly aware of is the risk of becoming dehydrated. Even for the portions of the US that aren’t affected by dangerous heat waves, hot weather can still pose a risk. For triage nurses, it’s also vital that they know what protocols to use when this condition may be affecting their patient callers. Here’s our advice for how they can assist dehydrated patients. Nurse Triage Protocols Triage nurses and medical professionals have

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TriageLogic A nonclinical call center operator talks with a patient while using TriageLogic's software to avoid common medical message intake challenges.

Enhancing Patient Triage: Overcoming Medical Message Intake Challenges

Medical message intake challenges, such as those related to properly vetting patient calls, continue to pose significant obstacles in urgent care settings. Despite its prevalence, the traditional red flag screening system has inherent limitations in accurately assessing patient symptoms and gauging their severity due to potential reliance on incomplete information provided by patients. As a result, delays in patient care can occur. To address these challenges effectively, it is crucial to implement solutions that can tackle them head-on. Augmented intelligence emerges as a promising solution

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TriageLogic Nonclinical operators wearing blue shirts and headsets sit in a row taking patient phone calls in a call center.

Do you Have Operators Taking Medical Messages? New Software Makes It Easier to Train, Ensures Relevant Messages, and Increases Doctor Satisfaction

Traditional training for nonclinical operators to perform medical message intake often requires about a month: first, a week to learn how to be an operator, then an additional two for memorizing industry terminology, keywords, and patient symptoms that could be red flags for greater health complications. This is usually a manual process with operators who have no medical training, which means it’s both time-consuming and leaves the door open for potential message inaccuracy. We’ve developed an easy-to-use software solution for operators that reduces this training

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TriageLogic RPM compliance concept: recorded patient vitals like heart rate and oxygen saturation are displayed over an image of a nurse reviewing them on a tablet.

An Essential Checklist for Evaluating Your RPM Vendor

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) has revolutionized healthcare by enhancing access to care, improving patient outcomes, and reducing provider costs, particularly when it comes to chronic care management. Successful RPM programs offer clarity over patient data, including vitals like blood pressure and pulse ox, to identify early warning signs of potential health conditions. As this innovative technology continues to evolve, however, providers must be sure to maintain RPM compliance with billing codes and other industry regulations. Here are the factors they should keep in mind when

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A hand types on a laptop keyboard while the word "AI" shines over it, along with the image of cogs and a speaking bubble.

TriageLogic’s Dr. Ravi Raheja to Discuss Using Technology to Assist Triage Nurses at HCCT Conference

There are those in the healthcare community who may feel uneasy by the prospect of artificial intelligence (AI) being used in their respective fields. In our experience, however, technology can be used to assist in healthcare to make jobs more efficient for your staff and give providers more time with patients. That’s the focus behind an upcoming session co-presented by TriageLogic’s CTO, Dr. Ravi Raheja, and David Lawson, the CEO of Call Simulator. This session will be a part of HCCT’s 32nd Annual Conference held

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TriageLogic Triage Nurse lending helping hand

Switching Nurse Triage Companies? Here Are the Key Features to Evaluate

Nurse triage is essential for managing patient calls both during and after normal business hours. If you outsource this service and aren’t satisfied with their current performance, you may decide to review other available options. Issues to consider include how triage nurses interact with your patients, whether they use appropriate protocols, customize your orders, etc. Here are the key features you should consider when evaluating nurse triage call centers like ours. Do They Have a Nurse Triage Training Program? Companies may claim to have established

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