A triage nurse speaks with a patient using headphones and telehealth video conferencing.

Nurse Triage On Call: A Simple Telehealth Solution for Managing Patient Needs

Have you noticed how challenging it is to manage patient calls, particularly after hours? Patients may experience symptoms that require immediate attention, but not necessarily visits to the emergency room. TriageLogic’s Nurse Triage On Call offers a simple telehealth solution that lets practices engage with patients and consolidate their resources at the same time. What Makes Nurse Triage On Call a Simple Telehealth Solution? https://youtu.be/disvCcYumvg Most questions that patients have for their providers can actually be managed by registered nurses, but most in-house RNs are

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A triage nurse smiles while waving to a patient on a telehealth call on a laptop.

Doctors Today Are Struggling With Patient Retention: Easy Steps to Keep Patients Engaged With Telehealth Nurse Triage

Doctors and practice managers looking to strengthen patient loyalty and build a thriving practice are finding a shift in patient expectations and, as a result, patient retention. This article reviews some of the common problems with patient retention, and how telehealth nurse triage can overcome them to provide an exceptional patient experience. Not only will these solutions improve patient satisfaction, but it will also help with doctor burnout, which has been an issue since covid.  Common Demands from Patients  https://youtu.be/vAGtZtADsxc Development of new communication technologies

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A parent rubs sunscreen on their smiling child's face while they're at the pool.

Essential Nurse Triage Advice for Pediatric Patients During the Summer

Do you have pediatric patients whose parents need help identifying what summertime illnesses their children are experiencing? This article explores heat-related ailments that tend to affect children while outdoors, along with the common — and not so common – symptoms your triage nurses should know about when advising parents. https://youtu.be/w4loYOkjpVs Common Heat-Related Ailments An average child can be vulnerable to the heat because of a higher metabolic rate, smaller surface area on their body, and a lower ability to regulate their own body’s temperature. This

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Examples of how to optimize patient care with RPM. Several patients are shown wearing wrist sensors and talking with their doctors.

Optimize Patient Care Using RPM and Nurse Triage

As a doctor, you have two priorities to balance: ensuring quality care for your patients, and maximizing revenue for your practice. If those seem like contradictory goals, they don’t have to be. This article discusses solutions to help your team optimize patient care while increasing your revenue. Here are four ways you can use nurse triage and remote patient monitoring (RPM) to achieve them. https://youtu.be/LJOX-6SSaLI 1. Improve Revenue and Patient Outcomes With Remote Patient Monitoring When a doctor implements a remote patient monitoring (RPM) program,

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A nurse standing at a computer workstation uses nurse triage protocols to assist a patient over the phone.

Avoid Delays in Care and Improve Health Outcomes With Nurse Triage Protocols

Are you concerned that too many of your patients are delaying their own care? It could be because they don’t really know how severe their symptoms are. A dedicated nurse triage phone line, manned by RNs who use gold-standard nurse triage protocols, could be the solution you need. Not only does this service lead to improved health outcomes, but it also saves patients (and your practice) a significant amount of money. To understand why nurse triage protocols are so important, we have to start by

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Two triage nurses review patient data on a tablet.

Nurse Triage Companies: Why You Need One, and How to Evaluate Them

Does your team have a difficult time keeping up with patient phone calls and addressing patient symptoms after normal office hours? Telephone nurse triage offers a holistic solution to get patients to the appropriate care and reduce your practice’s liability. Let’s review what this service is, and how you can evaluate nurse triage companies to learn which one is right for you. What Is a Telephone Nurse Triage Company? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue28oCLkUfI&feature=youtu.be A telephone nurse triage company provides telehealth services where registered nurses assess patients’ medical symptoms

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A nurse writes notes on a clipboard while talking with a patient over the phone about their health symptoms and triage disposition. Nurse talking to patient. Nurse using protocols. Nurse assessing patient needs. Nurse assessing urgency using protocols.

How to Choose the Right Triage Disposition on Every Phone Call

When patients call your practice for advice about their symptoms, how do you make sure that your nurses give them the correct dispositions for care? For example, when a patient calls for a prescription refill, are they also experiencing symptoms? TriageLogic is developing a new tool for nurses that will guide them through this process so that nurses choose the most appropriate protocols and triage dispositions for patients to receive the best levels of care. Known as Triage Assist, this powerful new module will help

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A group of healthcare professionals smile while sitting together on a bench. nurse triage on call. telehealth technology solutions. remote patient monitoring. ai in healthcare. using ai to help with triage. nurses using technology.

AI in Nurse Triage: Patient-Facing Applications vs. Nursing Solutions

If you’ve been experiencing staff shortages, you may have considered using technology solutions to fill that gap. Often powered by artificial intelligence (AI), these tools tend to fall into two main groups: patient-facing symptom screening, where patients or nonmedical staff can input symptoms themselves; and nurse triage, where nurses have access to modules that can reduce the time it takes to evaluate patient symptoms and document them more thoroughly. Learn why the latter of these is preferable for better patient outcomes. https://youtu.be/sMh_v40zkvU AI in Patient

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Outsourced nurse telehealth concept: a patient talks with their provider over video conferencing on their laptop, which is set up beside a tablet displaying their vitals. remote patient monitoring. telehealth technology. telehealth solutions. telehealth using ai. nurse use protocols. schmitt-thompson. rpm. streamline remote patient monitoring.

Streamline RPM With 24/7 Outsourced Nurse Telehealth for Better Care and Increased Revenue

Are your nurses having a hard time keeping up with all of the data recorded by a remote patient monitoring (RPM) program? What about emergency data that comes in the middle of the night, or cases where the patient observes a serious symptom related to a chronic disease? Consider using outsourced nurse telehealth to alleviate this challenge and even generate additional revenue for your practice.  Along with dedicated nurses who can evaluate your patient data at a scheduled time, TriageLogic offers a robust RPM program

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A nurse asks a patient triage questions over the phone while viewing their file on her laptop. schmitt-thompson protocols. nurse triage on call. remote patient monitoring. telehealth solutions. telehealth technology. telehealth using ai.

Are Your Nurses Asking the Right Triage Questions Over the Phone?

Most triage nurses assist patient callers by using protocols, a list of yes/no triage questions that help them gauge symptom severity. But do your nurses struggle to use these protocols in a way that feels natural instead of robotic? TriageLogic offers an interactive, self-guiding module that can cut training in half for new nurses, as well as tools they can use to continue to spot-check their work in real time for patient symptom accuracy. The Challenge After thorough, one-on-one role-playing exercises, even the most enthusiastic

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A parent sitting on a couch with their sick child at home calls pediatric telephone triage while checking their child's temperature. pediatric nurse triage. pediatric triage protocols. pediatric telehealth solutions. remote patient monitoring. telehealth technology. nurse triage on call.

Pediatric Telephone Triage Offers 24/7 Answers for Parents, More Resources for Doctors

As a pediatrician, are you looking for ways to make it easier for new parents to get the guidance they need for their children’s health without overwhelming your practice? With TriageLogic’s pediatric telephone triage services, not only will you give parents and caregivers 24/7 access to commonly asked questions and medical dispositions, but you’ll also free up the time and resources of your internal team. Plus, you could significantly reduce unnecessary ER visits. First, let’s review why pediatricians typically receive more phone calls than primary

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After-hours nurse triage services concept: an abstract digital representation of connected medical data is displayed next to a nurse working on a tablet. nurse triage on call. remote patient monitoring. telehealth solutions. ai in telehealth. telehealth technology. telehealth software. remote patient monitoring software.

Maximizing Efficiency and Care: The Importance of Integrated Systems in After-Hours Nurse Triage Services

Do your nurses spend a lot of time manually updating medical charts with messages from after-hours calls? Because many after-hours nurse triage services aren’t integrated with the in-house software that medical practices like yours use, this creates the potential for backlogged message intake. Thus, nurses are left with the burden of sorting this information and manually attaching it to patient charts. Not only is this tedious, but it also creates the possibility for information to be omitted or recorded inaccurately.  TriageLogic’s nurse triage software offers

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