Press-Release: TriageLogic® Implementing Emergency COVID-19 Hotlines and Remote Care Solutions for Health Centers

TriageLogic, a leader in telephone nurse triage and remote patient communication, announces easy-to-implement solutions that hospitals, medical organizations, and health centers can use for patient care during the COVID-19 crisis.

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Emergency Covid-19 Hotline and Remote Care Solutions to Address the Outbreak

This article focuses on emergency solutions that can be implemented quickly in a time of crisis, such as utilizing a coronavirus-trained non-clinical hotline, virtual medical visits, and tools for training office nurses.

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Protocols and Patient Care During the Coronavirus Outbreak

As the Coronavirus virus continues to spread, more and more callers may be concerned with their symptoms. TriageLogic nurses and our call center software clients have received the protocols to efficiently triage those who may have been exposed or who are concerned about the virus.

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TriageLogic Supports Healthy Hearts with Remote Patient Monitoring, Allowing Cardiologists and Other Physicians to Spend More Time on Direct Patient Care

As a proud supporter of the American Heart Association, TriageLogic’s CEO, Charu Raheja, Ph.D., was recently featured on the cover of Jacksonville Magazine for its February Women of Heart issue.

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TriageLogic Offers Remote Patient Monitoring, Allowing Physicians to Spend More Time on Direct Patient Care

TriageLogic, a leader in the telephone nurse triage industry, announced it will use its more than 13 years of industry-leading phone triage experience in the emerging remote patient monitoring (RPM) market.

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