Better Ways for Your Practice to Manage Patient Phone Calls This Winter

It’s no secret that when temperatures drop, medical offices experience a surge in patient phone calls — particularly when it comes to the flu, COVID, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).…

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Press Release: TriageLogic Announces MedMessage Assist Tool That Protects Doctors’ Offices From Malpractice Liability

When medical providers miss patient phone calls, does that make them liable for poor health outcomes? That’s the argument being made against one Wisconsin doctor facing malpractice complaints after neglecting…

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More Than Just Protocols: Critical Thinking in Nurse Triage Is Essential

While Schmitt-Thompson triage protocols are highly effective for evaluating patients’ symptoms, critical thinking in nurse triage is a vital skill providers must use when determining the appropriate dispositions for care.…

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Back to School: What’s the Difference Between COVID-19, Flu, and Colds? Using Schmitt-Thompson Protocols to Evaluate Student Symptoms

As students return to the classroom, it’s common for a certain percentage to contract and spread diseases. Students recognize this fact, and — up until COVID-19 — probably gave it…

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Back to School: Improving College Student Behavioral Health Outcomes With Schmitt-Thompson Protocols

It’s no surprise that more colleges are making student health a priority. Young adults of this generation have had to deal with more types of mental health concerns like depression…

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Nurse Triage for Morbidity and Mortality: Save Lives and Lower Healthcare Costs

We recently discussed why a nurse triage service is important for helping patients avoid unnecessary ER visits. The same holds true for those patients who have serious conditions, but hesitate…

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TriageLogic’s Dr. Ravi Raheja to Discuss Using Technology to Assist Triage Nurses at HCCT Conference

There are those in the healthcare community who may feel uneasy by the prospect of artificial intelligence (AI) being used in their respective fields. In our experience, however, technology can…

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