A Provider’s Guide to Remote Patient Monitoring
This ebook provides an overview of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), a technology that allows healthcare providers to monitor patients with chronic conditions remotely and regularly, leading to improved health outcomes, decreased healthcare expenditure, and an additional source of income.

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) is a fast-growing technology in healthcare that offers providers the ability to monitor chronically ill patients closely, safely, and economically. The system records essential data that helps doctors keep track of patient vitals outside traditional office visits, translating to lower patient morbidity and mortality, and decreased overall healthcare expenditure. RPM is especially effective for patients with chronic conditions, which account for about 90% of the United States’ $4.1 trillion healthcare expense.
RPM provides a patient with electronic medical sensors that monitor their vitals and transmit that information directly to a provider’s online portal for evaluation. This monitoring system can capture data that is not observed by the patient, such as oxygen saturation. As a result, the provider can intervene before a patient presents a concerning symptom or needs to go to theEmergency Room. RPM also increases safety and convenience for patients by empowering them to take care of their health.
RPM is crucial because chronic health conditions are among the leading causes of death in Americans. Furthermore, people with multiple chronic conditions account for 93% of total Medicare spending, and it costs 3.5 times more to treat chronically ill patients than those without these conditions. As chronic health conditions continue to rise, solutions are needed to treat patients effectively and economically, and RPM is one of them.
The implementation of RPM has allowed for more home-based care, freeing up available hospital rooms to treat patients exhibiting concerning or life-threatening symptoms. It has also allowed patients who may be immunocompromised to distance or isolate themselves to avoid infections. RPM can help doctors provide quality care outside clinical settings, reducing their workload. Reimbursements for RPM implementation are available, and insurance companies are becoming more willing to reimburse doctors.
To implement a successful RPM program, organizations can use call centers, triage nurses, and nonclinical staff to reduce the workload on doctors. They can also leverage the help of technology providers and device manufacturers to streamline the process. A successful RPM program can lead to lower healthcare costs, increased patient satisfaction, and improved health equity.
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