Navigating Triage Protocols: Steps 8 through 10

Steps 8 through 10: The Final Three Steps of the Triage Call Process

This last video in the Navigating Triage Protocols Series discusses steps 8-10 of the 10 Critical Steps to a Triage Call. The video covers giving relevant care advice, making sure your patient knows callback symptoms, and reassuring your patient. Be sure to pay extra close attention during this lesson, as these steps are the most important ones of all.

The video will primarily cover step 8 of the triage process –  how to give appropriate care advice to your patient. Giving patients care advice they do not need is time consuming and may be confusing to the patient. Triage nurses should always take care to give the patient care advice that is specific and targeted to the individual’s current symptoms. The video will walk you through examples of how past medical history may determine the care advice you give your patients.

The most important part of the triage process is making sure your patient understands their care advice and callback symptoms, and is willing and able to follow the care plan. The video will cover how to present care advice in a way that is organized and easy for the patient to understand and follow. You will learn about what information to present to the patient in order to not delay care and how to give the patient callback instructions. It is very important that the nurse give the patient callback instructions that include basic symptoms to look out for and a time frame. You will learn how to make direct and simple statements when communicating with a patient to ensure that they follow the care advice plan.

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TriageLogic is a URAC-accredited, physician-led provider of top-quality nurse telehealth technology, remote patient monitoring, and medical call center solutions, all for the purpose of encouraging positive patient behavior and improving access to healthcare. Founded in 2007, the TriageLogic Group now serves more than 9,000 physicians and covers over 25 million lives nationwide. They continue to partner with private practices, hospitals, and corporations throughout the U.S.

Supplemental Reading Material

Lesson Assignment